Tyrannosaurs rex was a bipedal carnivore. It means that it walked on its two feet and its main food was meat. So for this dinosaur to survive, it needed to either look for remains of other dinosaurs or hunt for food. And for the feats of this dinosaur, hunting probably was not so hard.

Also known as the T-rex, the tyrannosaurus rex is probably the most popular dinosaur of all time. This powerful predator is often portrayed as the most dangerous dinosaur of all kind, and there is a good reason for it. It could grow up to 40 feet long and weigh about 9 tons. It may not have been the tallest or heaviest of when compared to the gigantic dinosaurs it lived with, but it was probably the most feared one as it certainly had the most devastating bite. The length of its thick powerful jaw alone could grow up to 4 feet, and the longest of its sharp chisel-point teeth is 12 inches long (the largest teeth amongst the kind).
Some sets of the teeth are curved backwards, this feat enabled this dinosaur to have a good grip on anything it would bite into, and the thick muscular neck added more support and power behind its biting force. The name tyrannosaurus rex came from a combination of Greek words that means tyrant lizard king, a very fitting description for this great dinosaur.
The legs of this dinosaur are powerful and thick while its arms are disproportionately short. Because of its massive head and thick body, it probably couldn’t stand up straight. It needed to be in a slightly squatted position so it could maintain its balance, and its long and thick tail also helps to even out its weight.

Draw a big oval that is positioned diagonally, this would be the t-rex’s body. Add one smaller oval in horizontal position just right at the upper side level of the other, this would be the head.

Draw lines to define the lengths of the arms, legs and tail. You need three folds on the line for the leg; from thigh to knee, and heel to toes. The t-rex has three thick toes (the fourth one is smaller and just hanged on the side).

Make an outline for the big strong legs and add the sharp claws. The tail is also thick from the hips and gets slimmer at the tip. Add the outline on the head for the opened mouth.

Complete the outline by drawing the shape of the head, neck and its very short arms. Remember to add more thickness on the head (back part and lower jaw would exceed from the oval base) as the head of the t-rex is quite large, then facial features; the nostrils and an outline for its pointed brow line.

Clean up the drawing by erasing the base you previously made, leaving you with just the outlines of the dinosaur’s shape. Replace the pencil outlines with solid lines using a pen or a marker.

Add a couple of details such as ripples on the skin to make it look thick. Put some soft fine lines on the abdomen, sides of the leg, parallel short lines on the toes and the circular ripple on the knees. Add the t-rex’s sharp set of teeth including the jaw-connecting ligaments.

Add more details by applying body marks. I decided to give this dinosaur a separate color for its front, so I made a division that separates the side and back part from the neck and down to the undersides of the tail.
Now we are going to use three main colors; one for the body marks, one for the undersides and one is the main color covering the rest of the body. The main color should still have different tones like the previous ones we did.
Start by applying with the main color on the edges of the outlines. Remember not to apply this one on the areas that we previously divided from the rest, and also avoid applying this color to the body marks.

Fill the areas that should have this color with a brighter tone following the darker tone you previously applied. Still, remember to start from the edges.

And now, choose a color for the section starting from the neck and down to the undersides of the tail. Animals usually have lighter colors for their underbellies, so I chose cream to contrast the strong tone of red.
Color the body prints with the third color you chose.

Finally, finish it by coloring the other small areas such as the inner parts of the mouth and the claws.

You can then add some background for your drawing once you are finished coloring the t-rex.