Discover essential tips for coloring like a pro! From choosing the right tools to mastering techniques, unleash your creativity with our expert advice.
Use a variety of tones when applying color to your drawing, this will make it look nicer rather than a single tone like what you do when you simply fill up the area with your chosen color. Applying some dark, medium and bright tones will also show that the shape of your dinosaur is rounded rather than flat. There are few ways to create color tones for your drawing.
A common way of applying color tones is by following a color wheel. The color wheel shows how a red turns to orange, or how the yellow turns to green, blue to violet, etc.
In this way, you may need to use a combination of colors that is close to the original color you chose. For example, if you choose orange, you would need red to be the darker tone, and a combination of both for the medium tone. The color wheel always has three given tones for the different basic colors that could easily be used as a guide.
This may be the most common way for knowing different color tones, but it is not the only way that you could use for showing dark and bright tones.
Another way is simply using the same color that already has a darker and lighter/ brighter tone. Some sets of coloring materials usually have this, with colors being simply named as ‘bright red, dark red” aside from the basic red and the same goes
for other colors. This method is even easier for those who are drawing on tablets. You would just need to either increase or decrease the brightness or darkness of the color you choose.
Not all coloring sets have three tones for one basic color, but there are those who have two tones that you can also combine. There are colors that have names like “sea blue” that can be used for a darker blue color, and then “ sky blue” that you could use for a brighter one. What’s important is you have a brighter and darker tone for the color you would use. It doesn’t matter if it has a different color name (like using brown as the darker tone for your red). The idea is almost the same as the color wheel but doing it with just two tones.
And if ever you can’t find any other color to combine with your chosen one, you could still create different tones by simply adjusting the pressure you put on your hand strokes as you are coloring. This is the same as producing solid lines and fine thin lines, but instead, you are going to use it with a color. Applying more pressure on the coloring tool would create a more solid tone, and it would naturally lighten as you also lighten the pressure on your strokes.
Enhance your coloring skills with these expert tips. Perfect for beginners and pros, explore creative techniques and make every masterpiece shine!